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How to resolve POST Request 405 Error in Spring SAML2 SLO

I'm trying to implement Spring Security SAML2 SSO/SLO and successfully implemented the SSO, but when I tried to follow the Spring security docs for implementing SLO I got this 405 Method Not Allowed Status.

enter image description here

I tried to disable the cors and csrf but I'm still having the same problem, I also tried to exclude the /logout/saml2/slo in filter.

I tried to search this issue but I can't find any info regarding this and all I can find is they are having issue with Saml2 Response.

I also make sure the jks is good and the alias and password is right.

I'm expecting this to succeed and be able to proved SAML2 Response after.

    public RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository relyingPartyRegistrations() throws Exception {
        if (DomainUtil.isSSOEnabled()) {
            byte[] decodeCertBase64 = Base64.getDecoder().decode(spSigningCertificateBase64.trim());
            char[] password = "REMOVED".toCharArray();
            try (InputStream inputStream = getSamlMetadataInputStream(samlMetadata);
                ByteArrayInputStream certStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(decodeCertBase64);
                FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("/BDO/fedlet/fedletkeystore.jks")) {

                KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
                keyStore.load(fileInputStream, password);

                String alias = keyStore.aliases().nextElement();
                RSAPrivateKey privateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(alias, password);

                CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
                X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certificateFactory.generateCertificate(certStream);

                Saml2X509Credential signingCredential = Saml2X509Credential.signing(privateKey, cert);

                RelyingPartyRegistration.Builder builder = RelyingPartyRegistrations.fromMetadata(inputStream)
                        .signingX509Credentials(signing -> signing.add(signingCredential))
                        .assertingPartyDetails(details-> details
                        .singleLogoutServiceLocation(SAML2_LOGOUT_URL) // SAML2_LOGOUT_URL = /logout/saml2/slo, I tried to change it to {baseUrl}/logout/saml2/slo still didn't work.

                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(samlEntityId)) {
                return new InMemoryRelyingPartyRegistrationRepository(;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("relyingPartyRegistrations() : %s".formatted(e.getMessage()), e);
                throw e;
        return null;

Here is my security filter chain:

    SecurityFilterChain samlWebChain(HttpSecurity http, CustomUserDetailsService userDetailsServiceImp) throws Exception {
        try {
                    .authorizeHttpRequests(auth -> auth
                            .requestMatchers("/api/**", "/error**").permitAll()
                            .requestMatchers(LOGIN_URL, SAML2_LOGOUT_URL).permitAll()
                            .requestMatchers("/config/**", "/common/**").authenticated()
                            .anyRequest().access(new CustomAuthorizationManager()))
                    .headers(headers -> headers
                            .contentSecurityPolicy(securityPolicy -> {
                                String cspUrl = FileUtil.getApplicationMingleUserActivityDomain();
                                cspUrl = cspUrl.startsWith(".") ? cspUrl.substring(1) : cspUrl;
                                securityPolicy.policyDirectives("frame-ancestors https://*." + cspUrl + ":*");

                            .frameOptions(frameOptions -> frameOptions.sameOrigin())
                    ).csrf(httpSecurityCsrfConfigurer -> httpSecurityCsrfConfigurer.ignoringRequestMatchers(SAML2_LOGOUT_URL));
            if (DomainUtil.isSSOEnabled()) {
                        .saml2Login(saml -> saml
                                .authenticationManager(new Saml2UserDetailsAuthenticationManager(userDetailsServiceImp))
            http.exceptionHandling(e -> e.accessDeniedPage("/accessDenied"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("samlWebChain() : %s".formatted(e.getMessage()), e);
            throw e;

I tried to add the /logout/saml2/slo in my controller it pass 200 status but I don't know what todo with the XML that I receive, I'm still working on this.

I don't know what else I can provide here, please feel free to ask if you need anymore information and I will update this.

UPDATE: 02/22/2024

I included the saml2metadta() and download the saml metadata from /saml2/metadata. For some reason the SingleLogoutService is not in the file, I expected it to contain the SLO URL.

enter image description here

UPDATE: 02/23/2024

I'm able to include the missing SLO Request and Response after including the {baseUrl} and {registrationId} in siglleLogoutServiceLocation. but I'm still having the same 405 issue.

enter image description here


  • Upon checking the log trace of the spring security, I found out that the validate() is causing URI matching error so I decided to create implementation of Saml2LogoutRequestValidator.

    Creating implementation of Saml2LogoutRequestValidator

    public class CustomSaml2LogoutRequestValidator implements Saml2LogoutRequestValidator {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CustomSaml2LogoutRequestValidator.class);
    private final Saml2LogoutRequestValidator delegate = new OpenSamlLogoutRequestValidator();
    public Saml2LogoutValidatorResult validate(Saml2LogoutRequestValidatorParameters parameters) {
        Saml2LogoutValidatorResult result = delegate.validate(parameters);
        log.debug("Result of validation is: %s".formatted(result.getErrors()));
        return Saml2LogoutValidatorResult.success();

    Creating implementation of Saml2LogoutResponseValidator

    public class CustomSaml2LogoutResponseValidator implements Saml2LogoutResponseValidator {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(InforSaml2LogoutResponseValidator.class);
    Saml2LogoutResponseValidator delegate = new OpenSamlLogoutResponseValidator();
    public Saml2LogoutValidatorResult validate(Saml2LogoutResponseValidatorParameters parameters) {
        Saml2LogoutValidatorResult result = delegate.validate(parameters);
        log.debug("Result of validation is: %s".formatted(result.getErrors()));
        return Saml2LogoutValidatorResult.success();

    then I create bean of those two then use it in my saml2 filter

                if (Saml2Util.isSsoEnabled()) {
                        .csrf(httpSecurityCsrfConfigurer -> httpSecurityCsrfConfigurer.ignoringRequestMatchers("/login/**", "/logout/**", "/saml2/**"))
                        .saml2Login(saml -> saml
                                .authenticationManager(new Saml2UserDetailsAuthenticationManager(userDetailsServiceImp))
                        .saml2Logout(saml -> saml
                                .logoutRequest(request -> request.logoutRequestValidator(logoutRequestValidator()))
                                .logoutResponse(response -> response.logoutResponseValidator(logoutResponseValidator())))

    I also found out that my SSO is not producing any SAMLResponse, I check what inside the spring security saml2 library and found that my existing implementation did not matched the class that its expecting for authentication manager, I change it to SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler and it work finally both my SSO and SLO.