I checked all the tensors and input parameters, they were all leaf, according to the code below,
def train_step(w1,b1):
trainable_variables = [w1,b1]
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(trainable_variables, lr=learning_rate)
loss = Variable(loss2_function(), requires_grad = True)
with torch.no_grad():
w1 -=(learning_rate * w1.grad)
b1 -= (learning_rate * b1.grad)
I still get none, and even with the change in learning rate, weight and bias, the network still does not work, please guide me.
none returned after "loss.backward()": The "loss2_function()" should return a scalar tensor representing the loss, not the backward pass. So, it should just compute and return the loss value. make sure that "loss2_function()" computes and returns the loss tensor.
Updating weights and biases: When updating the weights and biases, you need to access their grad attributes correctly. Also, after updating the parameters, you should zero out their gradients.
import torch
def train_step(w1, b1, learning_rate, loss2_function):
print("Initial weights: w =", w1, ", b =", b1)
# Define trainable variables and optimizer
trainable_variables = [w1, b1]
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(trainable_variables, lr=learning_rate)
# Calculate loss
loss = loss2_function()
# Perform backpropagation
# Update weights and biases using gradient descent
with torch.no_grad():
w1 -= learning_rate * w1.grad
b1 -= learning_rate * b1.grad
# Reset gradients to zero
# Perform optimization step
# Print updated weights
print("Updated weights: w =", w1, ", b =", b1)
Make sure that "loss2_function()" computes and returns the loss tensor correctly. Also, ensure that you call "train_step()" function properly by passing all the required arguments.