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How to handle remotely updating a continuously running python script on a linux machine

I have a python script running on a raspberry pi.
This script is part of a git repo.

I intend on the rpi and this script to be running all the time because the application is for responding fairly quickly to MQTT messages and controlling devices. Some small <5min downtime during updating is acceptable.

I am developing the script on my desktop machine and want to deploy to the raspberry pi.

I am trying to find a way to (on the rpi)

  1. update the script from the git repo
  2. stop the currently running script
  3. start the new one

not necessarily in that order.

I have been manually doing the above procedure by but I would like for the rpi to handle it and for me to have to only make changes to the script and push the changes to git.

I have researched a shell script called from a cron job. that seems like a potential path. I have also researched using a container, which seems like maybe overkill.


  • Ok the basics of the answer are below. shell script to check for updates, then if there is new code in repo, pull it down, then kill the script and rerrun it

    # Set the path to the repository and the script
    # Change directory to the repository
    cd "$REPO_DIR"
    # Function to check for updates
    check_updates() {
        git fetch
        # Check if there are any new commits
        LOCAL=$(git rev-parse @)
        REMOTE=$(git rev-parse @{u})
        if [ $LOCAL != $REMOTE ]; then
            echo "New updates found. Updating..."
            return 0
            echo "No updates found."
            return 1
    # Function to update and restart the script
    update_and_restart() {
        echo "pulling updates"
        # Pull the latest changes
        git pull
        echo "stopping script"
        # Kill the running process
        pkill -f $SCRIPT
        # Start the new version of script
        echo "running script"
        nohup python3 "$REPO_DIR/$SCRIPT" &
    if check_updates; then