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How to create sub bullet points (nested bullet points under bullet points) using Google Slides API

I'm trying to use the Google Slides API to create nested bullet points within a paragraph. Currently, I'm able to create a paragraph with bullet points, but I'm struggling to create sub-bullet points (nested bullet points) under existing bullet points.

Here's the current request body I'm using:

  "requests": [
      "createParagraphBullets": {
        "objectId": "i0",
        "textRange": {
          "type": "ALL"
        "bulletPreset": "BULLET_DISC_CIRCLE_SQUARE"
      "createParagraphBullets": {
        "objectId": "i0",
        "textRange": {
          "type": "ALL"
        "bulletPreset": "BULLET_DISC_CIRCLE_SQUARE"

How can I modify the above code to create sub bullet points (nested bullet points) under the bullet points created by the first request using the Google Slides API? I tried nestingLevel suggested by ChatGPT but no luck!

ChatGPT result:

    "requests": [
        "createParagraphBullets": {
          "objectId": "i0",
          "textRange": {
            "type": "ALL"
          "bulletPreset": "BULLET_DISC_CIRCLE_SQUARE"
        "createParagraphBullets": {
          "objectId": "i0",
          "textRange": {
            "type": "ALL"
          "bulletPreset": "BULLET_DISC_CIRCLE_SQUARE",
          "nestingLevel": 1

sample image of what I want to achieve


  • I believe your goal is as follows.

    • You want to create a nest list in a text box on Google Slides.
    • You want to achieve this using "Method: presentations.batchUpdate" of Google Slides API.

    In this case, how about the following request body? Unfortunately, from your question, I couldn't understand your input situation. So, in this answer, the request body also includes creating a text box and the texts.

    Sample request body:

    To create the nest list, the tab \t is used in the inserting text. And also, at createParagraphBullets, "type": "ALL" is used. By this, the nest structure is automatically created using \t.

      "requests": [
          "createShape": {
            "shapeType": "RECTANGLE",
            "elementProperties": {
              "size": {
                "height": {
                  "unit": "PT",
                  "magnitude": 200
                "width": {
                  "unit": "PT",
                  "magnitude": 200
              "pageObjectId": "###"  // <--- Please set your page object ID.
            "objectId": "abc123456"
          "insertText": {
            "text": "sample1\n\tsample2\n\t\tsample3",
            "objectId": "abc123456"
          "createParagraphBullets": {
            "bulletPreset": "BULLET_DISC_CIRCLE_SQUARE",
            "objectId": "abc123456",
            "textRange": {
              "type": "ALL"

    The sample curl command using this request body is as follows.

    curl --request POST \
      '{googleSlideId}:batchUpdate' \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
      --header 'Accept: application/json' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{"requests":[{"createShape":{"shapeType":"RECTANGLE","elementProperties":{"size":{"height":{"unit":"PT","magnitude":200},"width":{"unit":"PT","magnitude":200}},"pageObjectId":"###"},"objectId":"abc123456"}},{"insertText":{"text":"sample1\n\tsample2\n\t\tsample3","objectId":"abc123456"}},{"createParagraphBullets":{"bulletPreset":"BULLET_DISC_CIRCLE_SQUARE","objectId":"abc123456","textRange":{"type":"ALL"}}}]}' \


    When the above request body is used, the following result is obtained.

    enter image description here
