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Why can't I connect my Icecast server to a URL?

I have an Icecast server serving at the public IP address of my server, e.g. http://123.456.78.910:8080. I want users to listen at a URL,

I created an A record to point to my server from, and and added <hostname></hostname> to my icecast.xml file. But, nothing happens. I can still stream from my IP, but not from my URL.

There's virtually no documentation on this. Am I missing a step? I've checked for typos, waited for the domain name to propagate, and had no results.


  • If Icecast is listening on port 8080 then you still need to specify that port also with a DNS entry:

    If you don't want to specify the port then you need to make Icecast listen to port 80. On most Linux distributions that will require starting icecast as root, BUT specify a change user in the server config.