In the original dataframe, there is a column named 'NVE Liste' and only has one row. In that column, the values are '0034104060001008405,00341040600001008498,00341040600002187444,00341040600002187505,00341040600002187512,00341040600002190079,00341040600002190093,00341040600002196880,00341040600012187434,00341040600012187496'. Now firstly i want to split every number separted by comma in a different column. for example, the first number should be in column named 'NVE1', the second number should be in column named 'NVE2' and so on, in the new dataframe.
how can i achieve this any help would be appreciated
i tried using str.split, also tried different methods but it ended up not making new columns it just made an extra with same values
You can do it the same way you would add a calculated column but use str.split(','). Here is one way it could be accomplished using the sample data you provided.
import pandas as pd
#Create a sample dataframe per the OP question
OriginalDF=pd.DataFrame(columns = [['NVEListe']])
#You can add more entries than just one to the list if you want a better example
print('This is the original DataFrame')
#split the original entry using the comma separator
#Make a list of names for the new columns
for i in range(len(splitentry)):
#Split the string and add to new columns
for i in range(len(splitentry)):
#Drop the unsplit original column
OriginalDF.drop('NVEListe', axis=1, inplace=True)
print('This is the new DataFrame showing the split columns')