I have to take the input as JSON webpage and embed it in a HTML by using XSLT.
Input JSON is from this web page
I want to embed content of "coordinate" array in a script tag inside to a HTML page.
This my implementation:
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates":<xsl:variable name="test" select="json-doc('https://deims.org/api/locations/4930521a-596f-4e6f-90b8-29696b8c1c98')"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$test?geometry?coordinates"/>
but return this only the numbers contents in the coordinates: 8.61638 45.962042 8.642529 45.962042 8.642529 45.949462 8.61638 45.949462 8.61638 45.962042, without brackets or commas.
Use serialize($test?geometry?coordinates, map { 'method' : 'json' })
(instead of $test?geometry?coordinates