I've run into some strange behaviour when trying to obtain the current stack pointer in C (using inline ASM). The code looks like:
#include <stdio.h>
class os {
static void* current_stack_pointer();
void* os::current_stack_pointer() {
register void *esp __asm__ ("rsp");
return esp;
int main() {
printf("%p\n", os::current_stack_pointer());
If I compile the code using the standard gcc options:
$ g++ test.cc -o test
It generates the following assembly:
0000000000000000 pushq %rbp
0000000000000001 movq %rsp,%rbp
0000000000000004 movq %rdi,0xf8(%rbp)
0000000000000008 movq 0xe0(%rbp),%rax
000000000000000c movq %rax,%rsp
000000000000000f movq %rsp,%rax
0000000000000012 movq %rax,0xe8(%rbp)
0000000000000016 movq 0xe8(%rbp),%rax
000000000000001a movq %rax,0xf0(%rbp)
000000000000001e movq 0xf0(%rbp),%rax
0000000000000022 popq %rbp
If I run the resulting binary it crashes with a SIGILL (Illegal Instruction). However if I add a little optimisation to the compile:
$ g++ -O1 test.cc -o test
The generated assembly is much simpler:
0000000000000000 pushq %rbp
0000000000000001 movq %rsp,%rbp
0000000000000004 movq %rsp,%rax
0000000000000007 popq %rbp
0000000000000008 ret
And the code runs fine. So to the question; is there a more stable to get hold of the stack pointer from C code on Mac OS X? The same code has no problems on Linux.
The problem with attempting to fetch the stack pointer through a function call is that the stack pointer inside the called function is pointing at a value that will be completely different after the function returns, and therefore you're capturing the address of a location that will be invalid after the call. You're also making the assumption that there was no function prologue added by the compiler on that platform (i.e., both your functions currently have a prologue where the compiler setups up the current activation record on the stack for the function, which will change the value of RSP that you are attempting to capture). At the very least, provided that there was no function prologue added by the compiler, you will need to subtract the size of a pointer on the platform you're using in order to actually get the "true" address to where the stack will be pointing after the return from the function call. This is because the assembly command call
pushes the return address for the instruction pointer onto the stack, and ret
in the callee will pop that value off the stack. Thus inside the callee, there will at the very least be a return-address instruction that the stack-pointer will be pointing to, and that location won't be valid after the function call. Finally, on certain platforms (unfortunately not x86), you can use the __attributes__((naked))
tag to create a function with no prologue in gcc
. Using the inline
keyword to avoid a prologue is not completely reliable since it does not force the compiler to inline the function ... under certain low-optimization levels, inlining will not occur, and you'll end up with a prologue again, and the stack-pointer will not be pointing to the correct location if you decide to take it's address in those cases.
If you must have the value of the stack pointer, then the only reliable method will be to use assembly, follow the rules of your platform's ABI, compile to an object file using an assembler, and then link that object file with the rest of the object files in your executable. You can then expose the assembler function to the rest of your code by including a function declaration in a header file. So your code could look like (assuming you're using gcc
to compile your assembly):
extern "C" void* get_stack_ptr();
.section .text
.global get_stack_ptr
movq %rsp, %rax
addq $8, %rax