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Mobx with useEffect() not rendered data in component

I'm new to React and Mobx.

I want to init component by data from GET-request in useEffect(). There are simple component with mobx store:

import { autorun } from "mobx";
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { useStore } from "./store";

const TestPage: React.FC = () => {

    const { testStore } = useStore();
    const isCancelled = useRef(false);

        () => autorun(
            () => {
            const fetchData = async () => {
                const data = await fetch('/api/dictionaries/sources?subject=MATH');
                const json = await data.json();

                if (!isCancelled.current) {

            return () => {
                isCancelled.current = true;

        , [testStore, testStore.setList]

    return (
            <h1>This is test list</h1>
            { => <div key={}>{}: {}</div>)}

export default TestPage;


import { makeAutoObservable } from "mobx";

export interface Item {
    id: string;
    name: string;

export default class TestStore {

    list: Item[];
    constructor() {
        this.list = [];

    setList = (list: any) => {
        this.list = list; 
        console.log("In setList: " + this.list);



import { createContext, useContext } from "react";
import TestStore from "./test-store";

const store = {
    testStore: new TestStore(),

export const StoreContext = createContext(store);

export const useStore = () => {
  return useContext<typeof store>(StoreContext);

export default store;

Response from server is received, but list in component is not rendered: enter image description here

However, if recompile to a hot one, the data in the component is rendered. So I think the problem is asynchronous execution. Can I fix it?


  • For making the React Components reactive to the state changes in mobX, we need to wrap the components an observer(), which is a HoC. You can use either mobx-react or mobx-react-lite both works fine.

    import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"
    const Component = observer(() => {
       return (
          // JSX Codes that uses mobX states
    export default Component

    Otherwise, you can also do it like this

    import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"
        const Component = () => {
           return (
              // JSX Codes that uses mobX states
        export default observer(Component)

    Only then, you can trigger rerender. Othewise, if you have to use the context API, then I think you have to use useState() to trigger the UI render.