I have this Postgres CREATE TABLE
CREATE TABLE public.foo (
id bigint NOT NULL,
language character(2) NOT NULL,
updated timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
Now, this is how I try to define the column language
in my @Entity foo
in Kotlin
@Column val language: AvailableLanguages,
is an enum
enum class AvailableLanguages {
fr, en
However, this gives me the error
... org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.SchemaManagementException: Schema-validation: wrong column type encountered in column [language] in table [foo]; found [bpchar (Types#CHAR)], but expecting [varchar(255) (Types#VARCHAR)]
I tried
@Column(length = 2)
which does not change anything.
As I see you have some miss configuration.
To fix it you have to rewrite a bit your sql
and that is all.
CREATE TABLE public.foo (
id bigint NOT NULL,
language varchar(2) NOT NULL,
updated timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
Because hibernate set default definition of column String
in varchar
, but if you want to change it you have to set columnDefinition
parameter in @Column