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How to define column type in Spring/Hibernate when PSQL column type is character(2)

I have this Postgres CREATE TABLE statement

                                  id bigint NOT NULL,
                                  language character(2) NOT NULL,
                                  updated timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

Now, this is how I try to define the column language in my @Entity foo in Kotlin

@Column val language: AvailableLanguages,

AvailableLanguages is an enum

enum class AvailableLanguages {
    fr, en

However, this gives me the error

... org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.SchemaManagementException: Schema-validation: wrong column type encountered in column [language] in table [foo]; found [bpchar (Types#CHAR)], but expecting [varchar(255) (Types#VARCHAR)]

I tried

@Column(length = 2)

which does not change anything.


  • As I see you have some miss configuration.

    To fix it you have to rewrite a bit your sql and that is all.

                                      id bigint NOT NULL,
                                      language varchar(2) NOT NULL,
                                      updated timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

    Because hibernate set default definition of column String in varchar, but if you want to change it you have to set columnDefinition parameter in @Column annotation.