I am learning the csv application in ruby.
I have a function which takes a string and looks up words against it based on starting alphabet
Now i am trying to read a file which has lots of strings and the program should read it and give the output in a seperate csv file.
My function is working and so is csv in. because i can see the output in the console and it is correct.. It just does not write to output csv .. and i am not able to figure out why..
code as under
require 'csv'
# Define a hash containing adjectives for each letter
adjectives_by_letter = {
'a' => ['awesome', 'amazing’],
'b' => ['beautiful', 'brave'],
'c' => ['calm', 'clever'],
# Method to match each letter to a set of adjectives
def match_to_adjectives(letters, adjectives)
matched_adjectives = {}
letters.each do |letter|
print "#{letter.upcase}: "
available_adjectives = adjectives[letter.downcase] - matched_adjectives.values
if available_adjectives.empty?
puts "No available adjectives found for '#{letter}'"
adjective = available_adjectives.sample
matched_adjectives[letter] = adjective
puts adjective.upcase
puts "\n"
# Define the input and output file paths
input_file = 'names.csv'
output_file = 'output.csv'
# Open the input file for reading
CSV.open(input_file, 'r') do |csv_in|
# Open the output file for writing
CSV.open(output_file, 'w') do |csv_out|
# Iterate over each row in the input CSV
csv_in.each do |row|
# Extract the name from the row
name = row[0]
letters = name.chars
results = match_to_adjectives(letters, adjectives_by_letter)
# Write the name and its length to the output CSV
csv_out << [ results ]
input names
heineken stella
output to console
[Finished in 634ms]
output to output.csv
"[""h"", ""e"", ""i"", ""n"", ""e"", ""k"", ""e"", ""n""]"
"[""s"", ""t"", ""e"", ""l"", ""l"", ""a""]"
Whats the mistake i have made in csv_out?
the function prints the output to the console but does not return anything that can be used by the outer code to write to the CSV file. So when you call the match_to_adjectives it is not returning anything it just prints it to the console
# Method to match each letter to a set of adjectives and return them
def match_to_adjectives(letters, adjectives)
matched_adjectives = []
letters.each do |letter|
available_adjectives = adjectives[letter.downcase] || []
if available_adjectives.empty?
# Optionally, handle the case when no adjectives are found for a letter
matched_adjectives << "No adjective for '#{letter}'"
adjective = available_adjectives.sample
matched_adjectives << adjective
# Define the input and output file paths
input_file = 'names.csv'
output_file = 'output.csv'
# Open the input file for reading
CSV.open(input_file, 'r') do |csv_in|
# Open the output file for writing
CSV.open(output_file, 'w') do |csv_out|
# Iterate over each row in the input CSV
csv_in.each do |row|
# Extract the name from the row
name = row[0]
letters = name.chars
results = match_to_adjectives(letters, adjectives_by_letter)
csv_out << [name, results.join(', ')] # Adjust the join delimiter as needed