How can I implement the Gradient Difference Loss of two images in TensorFlow (in sequential model), like that made using PyTorch ( Thanks!
I found the solution in
def gradient_difference_loss(true, pred, alpha=2.0):
computes gradient difference loss of two images
:param ground truth image: Tensor of shape (batch_size, frame_height, frame_width, num_channels)
:param predicted image: Tensor of shape (batch_size, frame_height, frame_width, num_channels)
:param alpha parameter of the used l-norm
#tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(true), tf.shape(pred))
# vertical
true_pred_diff_vert = tf.pow(tf.abs(difference_gradient(true, vertical=True) - difference_gradient(pred, vertical=True)), alpha)
# horizontal
true_pred_diff_hor = tf.pow(tf.abs(difference_gradient(true, vertical=False) - difference_gradient(pred, vertical=False)), alpha)
# normalization over all dimensions
return (tf.reduce_mean(true_pred_diff_vert) + tf.reduce_mean(true_pred_diff_hor)) / tf.to_float(2)
def difference_gradient(image, vertical=True):
:param image: Tensor of shape (batch_size, frame_height, frame_width, num_channels)
:param vertical: boolean that indicates whether vertical or horizontal pixel gradient shall be computed
:return: difference_gradient -> Tenor of shape (:, frame_height-1, frame_width, :) if vertical and (:, frame_height, frame_width-1, :) else
s = tf.shape(image)
if vertical:
return tf.abs(image[:, 0:s[1] - 1, :, :] - image[:, 1:s[1], :, :])
return tf.abs(image[:, :, 0:s[2]-1,:] - image[:, :, 1:s[2], :])
I just had to adjust the original code line below:
return (tf.reduce_mean(true_pred_diff_vert) + tf.reduce_mean(true_pred_diff_hor)) / tf.to_float(2)
return (tf.reduce_mean(true_pred_diff_vert) + tf.reduce_mean(true_pred_diff_hor)) / tf.cast(2, tf.float32)
due to the specific version of TensorFlow I'm using (based on help obtained from