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How to obtain and use a Bearer token with Fastlane Match and Azure Devops Pipeline?

I have a multi-target/variant React Native project that uses Fastlane to build and deploy it. The focus of this question is iOS-related; specifically, I'm trying to understand how to use Fastlane Match to manage certificates.

I have two repositories in a single Azure DevOps project, one for the code and one for the certificates. I've set up SSH Git access for Azure and, when run locally, am able to use a git@ URL in my match configuration to successfully clone the repo and update certs:

$ bundle exec fastlane update_certs
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:50.94]: Cloning remote git repo...
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:50.94]: If cloning the repo takes too long, you can use the `clone_branch_directly` option in match.
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:50.94]: $ git clone<MY COMPANY>/<PROJECT>/<REPO> /var/folders/_l/5tqpmd_d6x5176yqdp77gr_c0000gp/T/d20240306-8899-1fyv6tu
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:50.96]: ▸ Cloning into '/var/folders/_l/5tqpmd_d6x5176yqdp77gr_c0000gp/T/d20240306-8899-1fyv6tu'...
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.23]: ▸ remote: Azure Repos
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.25]: ▸ remote: Found 14 objects to send. (25 ms)
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.27]: ▸ Receiving objects: 100% (14/14), 17.46 KiB | 17.46 MiB/s, done.
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.28]: $ git --no-pager branch --list origin/master --no-color -r
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.30]: ▸   origin/master
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.30]: Checking out branch master...
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.30]: $ git checkout master
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.31]: ▸ branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'.
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.31]: ▸ Switched to a new branch 'master'
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.35]: 🔓  Decrypted '<CERT>.cer'
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.35]: 🔓  Decrypted '<CERT>.p12'
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.35]: 🔓  Decrypted 'AppStore_com.<ID>.mobileprovision'
INFO [2024-03-06 10:12:51.35]: 🔓  Successfully decrypted certificates repo

If I try the same in an Azure Pipeline the build hangs at the initial clone step. I've tried including the secrets repository with some resources: repositories: YAML, and adding a InstallSSHKey@0 task to the pipeline that appears to succeed, but neither addition helps.

The match docs state that when using Azure I may want to use bearer token authentication but don't really offer any more details.

My understanding is that this means to use the equivalent https:// Git URL, and provide match with a git_bearer_authorization parameter, like so:

  type: "appstore",
  app_identifier: <BUNDLE ID>,
  api_key: <API KEY>,
  git_bearer_authorization: <WHAT GOES HERE?>,
  git_url: "https://<ORG><ORG>/<PROJECT>/_git/<REPO>",

I've tried creating a Personal Access Token and using that (with and without base64 encoding, with and without the org name Azure suggests after the https://, above) but am still asked for username and password. The git command generated by match adds a -c http.extraheader='Authorization: Bearer <CONTENTS OF git_bearer_authorization> to the git command.

How do I generate a bearer token, and how can I use that locally and in CI? Explicit steps to a working match would be really really appreciated! Alternatively, has anyone managed to get SSH access (i.e. git@ URL) working with match in an Azure Pipeline, and if so, how?



  • You can use DevOps https url, and system.accesstoken as the bear token in pipeline.

    Please check the similar link for your reference. And existing yaml here.