I want to highlight all rows in a reactable
that meet a certain condition.
Unfortunately, I have found neither an option nor a suggested solution for this on the net.
Here is my reproducible example:
mtcars %>%
reactable(striped = TRUE)
In this example, all rows where the cyl
-value is 4 should be highlighted in yellow.
df_example <- mtcars %>%
mutate(backgorud_color = ifelse(cyl == 4 , "yellow", "grey"))
Can anyone help me with the configuration of the reactable
Following the Conditional Styling vignette you can conditionally set the background color using a custom rendering function like so:
mtcars %>%
striped = TRUE,
rowStyle = function(index) {
if (mtcars[index, "cyl"] == 4) {
list(background = "yellow")