I've noticed that a default, standard, plain-style button doesn't provide a strong indication when it is pressed. For example, consider this plain-style button with its default settings. As you can see, it does not offer a clear visual indicator to show that it is currently being pressed.
When examining buttons provided by the OS, such as a photo picker, the visual effect when pressed is more obvious. Could you advise on how I can achieve a similar effect in my UIButton? Thank you.
You can simply config setTitleColor
for each state with style == default
. However, with Plain
, these configurations do not work. So, you need to apply one of these approaches:
1. Change style to Default
, then it will automatically work as expected
2. Using new button's UIConfiguration API from iOS 15
var config = button.configuration
config?.titleTextAttributesTransformer = config?.titleTextAttributesTransformer = UIConfigurationTextAttributesTransformer { [weak self] input in
var output = input
guard let button = self?.button else { return output }
switch button.state {
case .highlighted:
output.foregroundColor = .systemBlue.withAlphaComponent(0.2)
output.foregroundColor = .systemBlue
return output
button.configuration = config