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Why does my .gitconfig get written to every time I pull?

On my Windows box, whenever I execute git pull to pull from our Azure DevOps Server instance, my user gitconfig is written to. I can tell because Notepad++ informs me the file has been modified by another program, and indeed the Modified Date is updated. There are no changes to the file.

I would have thought the only git commands that would write to my gitconfig would be git config commands. Why do these operations that should be read-only operations modify my gitconfig file?

git version

Update 1: I tried setting my gitconfig file to read-only, and git still had no problems writing to it.

Update 2: I tried clearing the gitconfig completely, and it added two credential entries, one for my corporate proxy and another for our Azure DevOps server, both with configs of provider = generic So it's something to do with the credential store.


  • It seems every time I interacted with any remote (stored on our devops instance), these lines were written to my .gitconfig:

    [credential "http://ourcorporateproxyurl:8888"]
        provider = generic
    [credential "https://ourdevopsurl"]
        provider = generic