This is how my item schema looks in my dynamoDB table with table name "Topic".
"topicId": "string",
"topic": "string",
"updatedTimeUTC": "number",
"articles": [
"articleId": "string",
"headline": "string",
"updatedTimeUTC": "number"
"articleId": "string",
"headline": "string",
"updatedTimeUTC": "number"
"articleCount": "number"
As you can see each item represents a topic and each topic will have list of articles associated with it.
My access patterns looks like these:
I can able to achieve the first point but the second one I am unable to. Till now, I am storing all the items in a single table. Do I need to change the schema and split up the topics and articles in multiple tables to achieve both access patterns.
I need pagination at topic level and also at articles level. Please suggest.
With your existing table design, the only article pagination you can do is client side i.e. after you fetch a particular topic, you write some client-side code logic to skip x articles and get the slice you need.
Why is this the only option? By bundling all of a topic's articles inside the topic item, it's all or nothing, you can either get all the topic's articles or none. As of today, no DynamoDB API(Query, GetItem, etc.) will retrieve just a slice of the articles list attribute, they'll either return the entire attribute or not return it at all.
Client side pagination of course is a very wasteful approach as you'll have to fetch the entire article list and this might include lots of articles you're not interested in. A Dynamo item has a reasonable upper limit - 400kb - so the size of the data might not be a big deal.
But do you have a restriction in place for the number of articles that can be on a topic? If no, then you have to think about that. A single Dynamo item can't exceed 400kb in size so the list of articles in a topic item mustn't grow in such a way that the topic item exceeds 400kb.
If your application is such that there shouldn't be a restriction to the number of articles on a topic then it would help if you considered re-modeling your table.
This is a suggested table structure that can achieve your desired access patterns in a more scalable way:
In the suggested table structure:
, however, their sort key will differ.With this approach, you can fetch and paginate articles in a topic with a query that looks like this:
const getTopicArticles = async (topicId, lastArticleId = '', limit = 5) => {
const params = {
TableName: "<TableName>", // substitute with the right table name
KeyConditionExpression: "PK = :pk AND #SK > :sk",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":pk": `TOPIC#${topicId}`,
":sk": `ARTICLE#${lastArticleId}`,
Limit: limit,
// make DYNAMO query api call
PS: The table structure above might look weird if you're not familiar with the DynamoDB single table design, you can check-out what single table design is here