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Polars scan_ndjson does not work with streaming?

I am attempting to read data from a large (300GB) newline-delimited JSON file, extract specific fields of interest and write them to a parquet file. This question is a follow-up on my previous SO question which has more background and the structure of the data I'm working with.

Each line/JSON object is independent of the others, so I would have imagined this could be handled in a streaming fashion, processing the file (which is too large to fit in memory) in chunks.

The code that does the actual scan, collect and write is very simple:

# define the schema...


However, as I work with increasingly larger subsets of my final file, I see that memory consumption increases linearly with input file size.

If I check the explain plan using explain(streaming=True) I see that streaming is NOT being used:

Anonymous SCAN 

So my question is, why does streaming not appear to work for this seemingly straightforward read/write use case?


Using sink_parquet instead of write_parquet does not work (in fact it's what I had originally tried). To be sure that it wasn't due to the complex nature of my JSON files, I even tried a very simplified version that just attempts to write two scalar (no nested objects) fields:

    .select('id', 'standing')\

This throws InvalidOperationError: sink_Parquet(ParquetWriteOptions { compression: Snappy, statistics: false, row_group_size: None, data_pagesize_limit: None, maintain_order: true }) not yet supported in standard engine. Use 'collect().write_parquet()'


  • Streaming only means that the input is pulled in batches. This is useful if you're doing something like a filter or aggregation, where it's possible to compute results without having all of the data in memory ahead of time. But the result of collecting is still a DataFrame that resides entirely in memory.

    I believe what you want is sink_parquet, which is the lazy version of write_parquet.
