My scenario involves loading data from the IMF API using the package. I need to extract multiple indices simultaneously, and their vector lengths may vary.
# for instance, one possible indice vector is like follows
index <- c(
# FA - Direct Investment
# FA - Portfolio Investment
I define a function to facilitate the extraction of these indices by
getFAfromIFS <- function(iso2 = "US") {
dta_IFS <-"IFS")
# iso2 <- "US"
index <- c(
# FA - Direct Investment
# FA - Portfolio Investment
each_dta.byeachISO2 <- map_df(index, function(xxx)
# xxx <- index[1]
print(paste0("...loading data from iso2=", iso2, " & index=", xxx))
each_account <- dta_IFS$get_series(freq = "Q", ref_area = iso2, indicator = xxx)
print("... check? ") # <--- I found the function stops here every time!!!
each_account %>%
setDT() %>%
setnames(c("time", "value", "Note")) %>%
select(-Note) %>%
.[, `:=` (ISO2 = iso2,
index = xxx)]
}) %>%
dcast( time + ISO2 ~ index, value.var = "value")
data1 <- getFAfromIFS(iso2 = "US")
It gives me an error,
Error in `map()`:
ℹ In index: 1.
Caused by error:
! object 'iso2' not found
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.
I'm very confusing. The bug, I guess, is possibly from the line each_account <- dta_IFS$get_series(freq = "Q", ref_area = iso2, indicator = xxx)
. But I have already defined both iso2
(from the arg of function getFAfromIFS
) and xxx
(from the arg of function map_df
What have I missed? Please help me. Thank you!
This doesn't really have anything to do with purrr
or map
. In this case, the dta_IFS$get_series
function appears to have a bug in it when calling it from a function. That function is defined as
function (freq, ref_area, indicator, start_period = NULL, end_period = NULL)
x <- eval(as_list(
return(get0(x, "IFS"))
The problem is that eval()
should be eval.parent()
. This means that something like this works fine
foo <- function() {
dta_IFS <-"IFS")
dta_IFS$get_series(freq = "Q", indicator = "BFDA_BP6_USD", ref_area = "US")
but this throws an error
foo <- function() {
dta_IFS <-"IFS")
myindicator <- "BFDA_BP6_USD"
dta_IFS$get_series(freq = "Q", indicator = myindicator, ref_area = "US")
Unfortunately you cannot easily fix the bug itself (the package author would have to do that), you can instead create a work around. You can change the line
each_account <- dta_IFS$get_series(freq = "Q", ref_area = iso2, indicator = xxx)
each_account <-$get_series, list(freq = "Q", indicator = xxx, ref_area = iso2))
That should get around the error by forcing evaluation of the function parameters prior to execution.