I have N=12 and between 1 to 12 (in N) I want every 3 elements to be updated.
For example: I am calculating the current hour(say 6am) and add 4 hours to start with "6-10" for the 1st 3 rows and add 4hrs for the next 3 and so on...
So The expected output is :
1 6-10
2 6-10
3 6-10
4 10-14
5 10-14
6 10-14
7 14-18
8 14-18
9 14-18
10 18-22
11 18-22
12 18-22
I have somethinglike this:
#utc_hour is the current utc hour calculated
from datetime import datetime
utc_time = datetime.utcnow()
utc_year = utc_time.year
utc_month = utc_time.month
utc_day = utc_time.day
utc_hour = utc_time.hour
utc_minute = utc_time.minute
minute = []
hour =[]
day = []
month = []
week = []
_hour = utc_hour
count = 0
n= 3
jobs = 12
while count <= int(jobs):
if layer == 'get' :
incr_hour = _hour+4
gen_hour = str(_hour)+'-'+str(incr_hour)
a = [hour.append(gen_hour)]
and the output i get is all the 12 elements with 6-10 (the same hour)
The currently recommended way to get the current hour differs from what's in your code. datetime.utcnow() is deprecated.
Try this:
import datetime
hour = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC).hour
N = 12
for i in range(N):
hh = (hour + 4 * (i//3)) % 24
print(f"{i+1:>2} {hh:02d}-{(hh+4)%24:02d}")
1 11-15
2 11-15
3 11-15
4 15-19
5 15-19
6 15-19
7 19-23
8 19-23
9 19-23
10 23-03
11 23-03
12 23-03