I'm trying to make a levitating platform using KinematicBody2D
and when my character (also KinematicBody2D
) falls on top the platform stops moving
Code for the platform:
extends KinematicBody2D
export var levitation_speed: float = 1000
var _velocity: Vector2
# for simplicity sake I've only shown the platform moving up
func _physics_process(delta):
_velocity += levitation_speed * delta * Vector2.UP
_velocity = move_and_slide(_velocity)
code for the player:
extends KinematicBody2D
class_name Humanoid
var velocity:Vector2
export var gravity_speed=3500
export var jump_speed=-1800
export var horizontal_speed=600
func _physics_process(delta):
var direction=Input.get_action_strength("ui_right") - Input.get_action_strength("ui_left")
velocity.x=horizontal_speed * direction
velocity.y += gravity_speed * delta
velocity=move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2.UP)
How do I make the player move along the platform no matter the direction it moves in? If this is not possible with KinematicBody2D
I'm open to using RigidBody2D
Note: I'm intentionally using _physics_process()
& not AnimationPlayer
or Tween
so if you suggest a work around please involve it
Based on the provided answer by @Theraot it sort of works when the player falls on top of platform but fails when the player tries to enter from below as such:
as any good platform in a game, the player should be able to pass through it from underneath
Using move_and_slide_with_snap
instead of move_and_slide
on the player, should keep it snap to the ground when the ground is moving.
It needs an snap vector, which you can imagine as a ray that checks for the platform.
The code would be like this:
velocity=move_and_slide_with_snap(velocity, Vector2.DOWN, Vector2.UP)
However, after testing this didn't solve the problem at hand.
What we can do is move the platoform without move_and_slide
nor move_and_slide_with_snap
, but by changing its global_position
instead, like this:
global_position += _velocity * delta
This means that the platform will move ignoring any obstacles (to be clear: it will go through static obstacles), however it can still push the player.
This solution also allows to enable motion/sync_to_physics
however that is not necesary since we would be moving in _physics_process
I found another way: We can set one_way_collision
to true
on the collider of the player.
The player and platform can then still use move_and_slide
or move_and_slide_with_snap
and both will collide with static obstacles.
Thus this solution does not require any code change.