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How do you change (by .configuration?) the tintColor, when the button is depressed, in a custom/filled UIButton?

Pls note that this question is about tintColor. This question has no relation to backgroundColor, which is totally different. Also, I notice there are many QA about the tintColor of an image on a button. This has nothing to do with that. This a question is about the property .tintColor of a UIButton

Have a typical (modern-day) button,

private lazy var toggle: UIButton = {
    let v = UIButton(type: .custom)
    v.configuration = .filled()
    v.configuration?.titleTextAttributesTransformer =
    UIConfigurationTextAttributesTransformer { i in
        var o = i
        o.font = UIFont.monospacedSystemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .medium)
        return o
    v.layer.cornerRadius = 5
    v.layer.cornerCurve = .continuous
    v.layer.borderWidth = 1
    v.layer.borderColor = UIColor.systemYellow.cgColor
    v.clipsToBounds = true
    v.setTitle("Log", for: [])
    v.setTitleColor(.systemGray3, for: [])
    v.tintColor = .systemGray

Note that the tintColor is system gray.

How the heck do you set the color to which the tintColor changes, when the button is depressed?

To express that better: how do you (ideally using configuration) make the tintColor change to some other specified color when the state changes?


  • Ok so it turns out you are not talking about the tint color at all. You're talking about the background color.

    Set the configuration's background.backgroundColor to a fixed color, and it will stay fixed.

    For more flexibility (eg a different color while pressing), set instead the configuration's background.backgroundColorTransformer.