Simple google search resulted in this answer
It states:
You have to add a CustomUI.XML to the file with XML code that links to VBA code for the buttons
Next, iteration revealed how it is usually done for MS Word VBA programming:
(Code taken from here)
Sub ShowCustomXmlParts()
On Error GoTo Err
Dim cxp1 As CustomXMLPart
Dim cxn As CustomXMLNode
Dim cxns As CustomXMLNodes
Dim strXml As String
Dim strUri As String
' Example written for Word.
' Add a custom XML part.
ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.Add "<custXMLPart />"
' Returns the first custom XML part with the given root namespace.
Set cxp1 = ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts("urn:invoice:namespace")
' Get a node using XPath.
Set cxn = cxp1.SelectSingleNode("//*[@quantity < 4]")
Exit Sub
' Exception handling. Show the message and resume.
MsgBox (Err.Description)
Resume Next
End Sub
However I can't find the corresponding outlook equivalent of the above code. The CustomXMLParts
object reference is nowhere to be found! Am I missing a DLL?! 🤔
Outlook doesn't support customizing the UI from VBA. The best what you could do is to assign your VBA sub to the QAT button in Outlook. Otherwise, you need to develop an Outlook add-in if you need to place custom commands there.
For COM (VSTO) add-ins see Walkthrough: Create a custom tab by using the Ribbon Designer.
For web add-ins you may consider adding ribbon commands, they are still limited in comparison to what COM add-ins provide for the Fluent UI, see Add-in commands for more information.