I have a query I use to filter results according to user profile. I have a list of countries applied to model, and I show only those where user.country matches with this array. This part works fine to me:
... ->where(function ($q) {
['country' => Auth::user()->country]
Now I want to add 'black-listing' functionality and do not show some content to users from the given countries list, but it doesn't works.
... ->where(function ($q) {
['country' => Auth::user()->country]
How can I use elemMatch
with not
operator in Laravel/Mongo query builder? I have one record I expect to be in result with country_exclude:null
but it's exluded from result once I add orWhereNot
This is demography object I'm queuring over:
"_id" : ObjectId("65e5a667792571b4d316fb75"),
"country" : [
"country" : "A"
"country" : "B"
"country_exclude" : [
"country" : "C"
"country" : "D"
Solved that with raw query instead:
function ($q) {
'country_exclude' => [
'$not' => [
'$elemMatch' => [
'country' => Auth::user()->country