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Integrate LiveChat button with Nuxt3

I tried to add Live Chat button with Nuxt 3.

I can see button history in admin panel. But button does not appear on site

I tried to add Live Chat button with Nuxt 3.

There id code that I have to add before .


export default defineNuxtConfig({
  app: {
   head: {
    script: {
       `(function(d, src, c) { var t=d.scripts[d.scripts.length - 1],s=d.createElement('script');'%%%';s.defer=true;s.src=src;s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=function(){var rs=this.readyState;if(rs&&(rs!='complete')&&(rs!='loaded')){return;}c(this);};t.parentElement.insertBefore(s,t.nextSibling);})(document,'',function(e){ LiveAgent.createButton('%%%', e); });`,
      type: 'text/javascript',

I tried to add app=>body=>script, but it does not work. How can I add code to Body?


  • Resolved by adding 'body: true' after 'innerHTML'