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RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded with a counter

From an old example, I tried to insert a counter member to the class Point but when I run, it won't evaluate with Error: RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded!. However, I didn't have such impression this error happened years ago with earlier Python version.

EDIT: the line id=0 was an mistaken.

import math
class Point():
#           id=0
            def __init__(self, x, y, z:float=0):
                import sys; print(f"{}>{sys.getrecursionlimit()}")# maximum recursion depth 1000 exceeded
                self._x = x; self._y = y; self._z = z;
            def x(self):
                return self._x
            @x.setter# to define a "non-public member"
            def x(self, value):
            def y(self):
                return self._y
            def y(self, value):
            def xy(self):
                return [self._x,self._y]
            def xy(self,xval,yval):
            def z(self):
                return self._z
            def z(self, value):
            def id(self):
#    @id.setter
#    def id(self, value): # raise AttributeError("Can't")
#        raise WriteCoordinateError("Point Number id is read-only")
            def distance(self):
                return round(math.dist((0, 0, 0), (self._x, self._y, self._z)))


  • As JonSG said, this is because you have mutiple definitions of id. On top of your class, you say: id=0. But at the end, you define the property id (which can now be referred as as a function that returns because is a property again, a function is called named, which returns itself.

    hopefully it is now clear to you why this happens, but I will give one more example:

    def f(x):
        return f(x)

    this is sort of what your function does.

    you could name the private id to _id and return self._id.

    your code becomes than:

    class Point() # These brackets are redunant, do you want to put something in later?
        _id = 0
        def id(self):
            return self._id