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Show Graph results using Neo4j Python driver

I'm currently working with knowledge graphs with Neo4j using Python Driver. I'm already connected to localhost

URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687"
AUTH = ("neo4j", "neo4j")
with GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) as driver:

driver: Driver = GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH)

Now I would like to display the results as a graph of some queries like the following:

query = 'MATCH (n)-[r]->(c)  where r.filePath = "../data/mydata.json" RETURN *'


From what I understood, python driver does not interact directly with neo4j browser. So which is the best way to show the resulting Graph?


  • What do you expect the code to stream? The Cypher query doesn't have a RETURN clause.

    Try to inspect the summary of the EagerResult object returned from execute_query. Here's an example

    from neo4j import GraphDatabase
    URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687"
    AUTH = ("neo4j", "neo4j")
    with GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) as driver:
        result = driver.execute_query(
            "CREATE (charlie:Person:Actor {name: 'Charlie Sheen'})"
            "-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Bud Fox'}]->"
            "(wallStreet:Movie {title: 'Wall Street'})"
            "(oliver:Person:Director {name: 'Oliver Stone'})"

    Which gives me

    {'_contains_updates': True, 'labels_added': 5, 'relationships_created': 2, 'nodes_created': 3, 'properties_set': 4}

    So it's clearly doing something.

    If this doesn't work, it can be helpful to enable the driver's debug logging to see what it's up to. There's a section in the API docs that shows how to do that:

    The simplest form looks like this

    from neo4j.debug import watch
    # from now on, DEBUG logging to stderr is enabled in the driver