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WPF set window height sized to content and width adjustable manually

In WPF I have a window for which I want the height to be sized to content (and adjusted dynamically as I have an Expander in it) and prevent the user from being able to change it but let him/her being able to change the width of the window.

How can I achieve this?

SizeToContent does half the trick as it doesn’t restrict manual changing the height. ResizeMode cannot prevent changing just the height or the width. And in the SizeChanged event I cannot distinguish if the change is initiated automatically or by the user to prevent changing the height.


  • You can use the FrameworkElement.MinHeight and FrameworkElement.MaxHeight properties to freeze the current height of the Window


    partial class MainWindow : Window
      public MainWindow()
        // Lock the initial height from the Loaded event handler
        this.Loaded += OnLoaded;
      private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        => LockWindowHeight();
      private void LockWindowHeight()
        => this.MinHeight = this.MaxHeight = this.ActualHeight;
      private void SetWindowHeight(double newHeight)
        this.MinHeight = double.IsNormal(newHeight) ? newHeight : 0;
        this.MaxHeight = double.IsNormal(newHeight) ? newHeight : double.PositiveInfinity;
        this.Height = newHeight;
      // For the sake of completeness
      private void UnlockWindowHeight(double newHeight)
        this.MinHeight = 0;
        this.MaxHeight = double.PositiveInfinity;