I have a class:
export class CartItem {
productname!: string;
quantity!: number;
I store an array of this in session as:
cartItems: Array<CartItem> = [];
sessionStorage.setItem("CurrentCart", JSON.stringify(this.cartItems));
When retrieving this, I tried:
this.cartItems = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("CurrentCart") || '') as Array<CartItem>;
But this returns:
Cart Items [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
and not the array with values.
From what I see in some examples Angular convert json to array of object, seems I need to map the array back or write a custom transformer https://medium.com/typescript-center/casting-json-objects-to-typescript-classes-a-deep-dive-835b8f8988bf
Is that the only way? Seems inefficient and cumbersome for bigger classes.
will not convert some arbitrary json to the CartItem
class. It will simply convert a json string to json primitives (string, boolean, null, array, object).
You would need to implement some custom encoding/decoding. Example:
class CartItem {
constructor(public productName: string, public quantity: number){}
toJson(): any {
return {productName: this.productName, quantity: this.quantity}
toString(): string{
return `CartItem{${this.productName}:${this.quantity}}`
static fromJson(obj: any): CartItem {
return new CartItem(obj.productName, obj.quantity)
static fromJsonList(obj: any): CartItem[] {
return obj.map(item => CartItem.fromJson(item))
class Cart {
private cartItems: CartItem[] = []
private static readonly STORE_KEY = "CurrentCart"
function save(){
const storedJson = JSON.stringify(this.cartItems.map(item => item.toJson()))
sessionStorage.setItem(Cart.STORE_KEY, storedJson);
function load(){
const storedJson = sessionStorage.getItem(Cart.STORE_KEY) || '[]'
this.cartItems = CartItem.fromJsonList(JSON.parse(storedJson));