I'm working on a VBA script that SaveAs all slides of a PPT as MP4 videos. Until now, everything works fine, except that everytime I launch the script, I hit the 10 videos queue cap. To prevent this, I would like to find a way to stop the script until Powerpoint finishes to export the video, then repeats the process as long as there are videos in the Powerpoint.
The code :
Sub export()
Dim Default, NameValue As Integer
Dim BoxMessage, BoxTitle As String
' InputWindow, to get slide number
BoxTitle = "Fenetre input valeur minimale"
BoxMessage = "Rentrer le numero de la premiere slide exportee."
BoxValue = InputBox(BoxMessage, BoxTitle, "Exemple : 20")
' Hide all slides
For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
ActivePresentation.Slides(i).SlideShowTransition.Hidden = True
' For each slide, show the slide, SaveAs a videoMP4, hide the slide
For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
If BoxValue <> 1 Then
If i = 1 Then
NameValue = BoxValue
Else: NameValue = BoxValue + i
End If
Else: NameValue = i
End If
ActivePresentation.Slides(i).SlideShowTransition.Hidden = False
ActivePresentation.SaveAs "s" & NameValue & ".mp4", ppSaveAsMP4
ActivePresentation.Slides(i).SlideShowTransition.Hidden = True
End Sub
I saw "Application.Wait", but I don't know how much time an export would take (I work with heavy powerpoints, and exports may take between 20s and 90s), and how to get that info. I cannot use DIR, since when you're exporting a video, Powerpoint already creates a file with the appropriate name in the appropriate directory.
I did not find a reliable method to check if the export is done before trying to export other slides. I think it's because VBA does not support this kind of precision. So instead, I'll check around Powershell and such, to see if there are solutions to my problem.