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Cypress config hook issue with running a node script

I have this hook in my cypress.config.ts:

            on('after:run', async () => {
                console.log('override after:run')
                await exec('touch ./cypress/reports/test.txt')
                await exec(
                    'npx jrm ./cypress/reports/junitreport.xml ./cypress/reports/junit/*.xml'

                await afterRunHook()

The touch command works fine, but the jre don't produce the junitreport.xml file or any other output.

If I run npx jrm ./cypress/reports/junitreport.xml ./cypress/reports/junit/*.xml on the command line it works just fine.

I have also tried with ./node_modules/.bin/jre instead of npx jrm

as well as node ./node_modules/.bin/jre but to no avail.

What am I missing here?


  • Using the execSync() instead of exec() works:

                on('after:run', async () => {
                    console.log('override after:run')
                    await execSync(
                        'node ./node_modules/.bin/jrm ./cypress/reports/junitreport.xml ./cypress/reports/junit/*.xml > ./cypress/reports/jrm-log.txt 2>&1'
                    await afterRunHook()