I have successfully created a raincloud plot using raincloudplots and the mtcars data set. Array 1 is the variable mpg and array 2 is qsec within each ID. I also created a variable $Direction which is 1 if mpg is bigger than qsec, and 2 if it is smaller. That way I can color the lines differently using this variable if they are in an upward or downward direction using an ifelse code. This variable is correct and I double checked it in excel, but the lines are not coloring accordingly. I have attached the code here, let me know if I can make this easier to understand in some capacity. Thanks!
Here's the plot Here's the data
mtcars <- data_1x1(
array_1 = mtcars$mpg,
array_2 = mtcars$qsec,
jit_distance = .09,
jit_seed = 321)
raincloud_2 <- raincloud_1x1_repmes(
data = mtcars,
colors = (c('#F6C337', '#68D2D5')),
fills = (c('#F6C337', '#68D2D5')),
line_alpha = .3,
line_color= ifelse(mtcars$Direction > 1, 'black', 'gray'),
size = 1,
alpha = .6,
align_clouds = FALSE) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(1,2), labels=c("mpg", "qsec"), limits=c(0, 3)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(1,5,10,15,20,25), limits=c(0, 25)) +
ylab("Value") +
line_color= ifelse(mtcars$Direction > 1, 'black', 'gray')
Excpecting downward direction lines to be black but I got an assortment of colored lines.
I don't think there is an option to color the lines within the function itself. I think you'll need to modify the resulting ggplot object:
mtcars <- data_1x1(
array_1 = mtcars$mpg,
array_2 = mtcars$qsec,
jit_distance = .09,
jit_seed = 321)
raincloud_2 <- raincloud_1x1_repmes(
data = mtcars,
colors = (c('#F6C337', '#68D2D5')),
fills = (c('#F6C337', '#68D2D5')),
line_alpha = .3,
size = 1,
alpha = .6,
align_clouds = FALSE) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(1,2), labels=c("mpg", "qsec"), limits=c(0, 3)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(1,5,10,15,20,25), limits=c(0, 25)) +
ylab("Value") +
raincloud_2$data <- raincloud_2$data %>%
mutate(Direction = ifelse(last(y_axis) - first(y_axis) > 0, "up", "down"),
.by = id)
raincloud_2$layers[[3]]$aes_params$colour <- NULL
raincloud_2$layers[[3]]$mapping <- aes(jit, y_axis, group = id,
color = Direction)
raincloud_2 + scale_color_manual(values = c(up = "gray", down = "black"))