I have made a donut chart in Swift Charts. It can have 3 segments representing items in the user's data with problems (red), warnings (orange) or normal items (secondary / neutral colour).
Sometimes the segments might have a zero value, but I have noticed that the annotation still displays zero and it looks messy. I would like to hide this.
In this image, the zero annotation of the absent orange segment is circled in blue.
Here is my code:
Chart(data, id: \.category) { element in
Plot {
angle: .value("Count", element.count),
// These settings make the red and orange sections more prominent
innerRadius: .inset(element.category == .Nominal ? 32 : 40),
outerRadius: .inset(element.category == .Nominal ? 8 : 0),
angularInset: 2.0
.foregroundStyle(by: .value("Category", element.category.rawValue))
// Here is the styling for the annotations
.annotation(position: .overlay, alignment: .center) {
.accessibilityValue("\(element.count) items")
domain: IssueCategory.allCases,
range: [.red, .orange, .secondary.opacity(0.5)]
.chartPlotStyle { plotArea in
.chartXScale(domain: 0...drugs.count)
.chartYScale(range: .plotDimension(endPadding: -8))
.chartBackground { proxy in
.frame(height: 196)
In summary, I'm hoping to hide the annotation (a number label in my case) if it is zero and thus it's segment is not being displayed.
takes a @ViewBuilder
closure, so you can just use an if
.annotation(position: .overlay, alignment: .center) {
if element.count > 0 {