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BlocProvider.of() called with a context that does not contain a StateStreamableSource<Object?>

I'm trying to use Cubits to manage the states of only specific screen (Profile Screen)

and i have already provided my bloc and consumed it, but there's an unexpected exception occurred:

BlocProvider.of() called with a context that does not contain a StateStreamableSource<Object?>.

it's known, that the consumer start searching for the bloc provider in the higher levels of the widget tree (it's exist directly above the consumer).

here's the screen

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocProvider(
        child: BlocConsumer<ProfileScreenCubit,ProfileScreenStates>(
        listener: (context,state){},
        builder: (context,state){
          var cubit = ProfileScreenCubit.getCubit(context); // exception here

          return Scaffold(...);

here's the cubit

final class ProfileScreenCubit extends Cubit<ProfileScreenStates>{


  static getCubit(BuildContext context)=>BlocProvider.of(context);


actually, there are other screens, that have been managed in that way. it's weird!

your help is appreciated, Thanks.


  • Ok, figured it out.

    i'm returning dynamic

    static getCubit(BuildContext context)=>BlocProvider.of(context);

    moreover i'm defining my cubit as var

      var cubit = ProfileScreenCubit.getCubit(context); // exception here

    it's depending on dart analyzer to infer the type (will always be dynamic).

    hence, it's not a Streamable Source.


      static ProfileScreenCubit getCubit(BuildContext context)=>BlocProvider.of(context);

    add the return data type of type ProfileScreenCubit