Search code examples

Mat-table jump to page of searched item

I have a mat-table with columns "name" and "population". It is a table that lists cities. In the table I use pagination. I want to search for a city name and jump to the page that has that city. I do not want to filter the table and show only this city. I want to keep the whole data in the table and jump to the specific page.

Example: I search for the city "Berlin". The pagination shows 5 items at once. "Berlin" is on page 3. Now I want the table to display page 3.

Has anyone an idea how to do that?


  • I found the answer by myself

    Here is the code

    interface City {
      name: string;
      population: number;
    cities: City[] = ...
    onlyCity = 'Berlin'
    @ViewChild(MatPaginator) paginator: MatPaginator;
    this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource<City>(cities);
    const onlyCityIndex = => {
    const pageNumber = Math.floor(onlyCityIndex / this.paginator.pageSize);
    this.paginator.pageIndex = pageNumber;