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How to add a vmethod to template toolkit when using Dancer?

How to add a vmethod to template toolkit when using Dancer?

If there isn't a way, how can I add a function /how to execute a ref to function which is added to the tokens/?


  • To add a custom vmethod to TT in Dancer requires a bit of messing with the direct TT package variables. I do wish that the Dancer::Template object provide access to the underlying template object.

    Here is snippet that could go in a Dancer route:

    package mydancerapp;
    use Dancer qw(:syntax);
    # make sure TT module is loaded since Dancer loads it later in the request cycle
    use Template::Stash;
    # create list op vmethod, sorry its pretty trivial
    $Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ uc_first  } = sub {
        my $list = shift;
        return [ map { ucfirst } @$list ];

    It is probably best to move this into its own module mydancerapp::TT or mydancerapp::TT::VMethods and then load it in your main application class.

    Then you can use it in your templates like:

    # in route
    get '/' => sub {
        template 'index', { veggies => [ qw( radishes lettuce beans squash )] };
    # in template: views/
    <p>[% veggies.uc_first.join(',') %]</p>

    If it went well then you should see: Radishes,Lettuce,Beans,Squash in your output. :)