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Expo Router - preserve state of screen when pushing a new one

I'm working with Expo Router in React Native. I'm noticing that when I use router.back() the previous screen is not keeping it's old state, it just re-renders.


export default ScreenA = () => {

  useEffect(() => {
    // This is executed again when going back.
  }, [])

  return <Link href="screen-b">Screen B</Link>


export default ScreenB = () => {

  const router = useRouter();
  return <Pressable onPress={() => router.back()}>Screen A</Pressable>


Is there any solution to this? I've thought about moving some parts of the state to redux, but is there anything simpler? Should I move to React Navigation?


  • Please look at my comment in the github issue here:

    I think the solution is: In your _layout, replace the Slot with Tabs like below.

    import { Link, Slot, Stack } from 'expo-router'
    import { Tabs } from 'expo-router/tabs'
                      {/* <Slot /> */}
                      {/* <Stack screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }} /> */}
                        screenOptions={({ route }) => ({
                          headerShown: false,
                          tabBarStyle: {
                            // display: === 'example' ? 'none' : 'flex',
                            display: 'none',

    The result will be similar to using Tab Navigation of the react-navigation. In Tab Navigation it displays the route again (if mouted previously) without reloading/rerendering it. It will use the previously rendered version of that route.

    Comparing the different route rendering methods:

    • Slot always reloads the routes.
    • Stack can display without reloading, however that only occurs in some certain circumstances for routes which are currently in the stack based on the LILO rules.
    • So finally, we can use Tabs but just hide the header and the tab navigator menu. This will always use the previously rendered version of that route. Never reload.