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Error: Invalid schema, expected `mongodb` or `mongodb+srv` i dont know what the issue could be

i'm setting up mongoDB and i keep getting error Error: Invalid schema, expected mongodb or mongodb+srv

please help me,

const mongoose = require('mongoose')

const connectionString = "mongodb + srv://PLACEHOLDER:<PLACEHOLDER>"

mongoose.connect(connectionString).then(() => console.log('connected to the db')).catch((err) => console.log(err))`

the placeholders are from me not the code i don't want to leak my password and username but i already looked for problems and couldn't find any

I have no idea how to fix this or where to start please help me


  • Here is what I used to successfully connect to a MongoDB database. I've confirmed this works for both locally hosted and MongoDB Atlas

    // ----
    // Connect To Database
    mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
    if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' ) {
            process.env.MONGO_URI, // Replace with how you wish to handle your connection string. Though, environment variable is recommended for security.
                useNewUrlParser: true, 
                useUnifiedTopology: true
        mongoose.connection.once( 'open', () => {
            console.log( '✅ MongoDB Connection Successful' );
        }).on( 'error', ( error ) => {
            console.error.bind( console, `🚫 ${ error.message }` );
        // mongoose.set( 'debug', true );
        // ^^ uncomment for debugging

    Also, make note to remove the space between mongodb and + and put in placeholder for where your password should be. What you provided should now look like:

    const connectionString = "mongodb+srv://"

    If you're still having trouble, try uncommenting the mongoose.set( 'debug', true ); and see what your console tells you.

    Hope this helps!