I am trying to use the 'adb' binary to copy a bunch of files from an Android device - all from a PowerShell prompt running under Windows 11.
The Android device contains a bunch of files in its removable media ( '/sdcard/' ):
.\adb.exe ls /sdcard/
000045f8 00002000 65e1f6f0 .
000045f8 00001000 65d5165c ..
000081b0 00006374 65e1f65e a.json
000081b0 00003234 65e1f660 b.json
000081b0 00003adf 65e1f662 c.json
000081b0 000048de 65e1f664 d.json
000081b0 00003f5d 65e1f66d e.json
Copying one of them is not a problem:
.\adb.exe pull /sdcard/a.json
/sdcard/a.json: 1 file pulled, 0 skipped. 1.6 MB/s (11118 bytes in 0.006s)
How do I copy all of them in one go though? (there are hundreds) This:
.\adb.exe pull /sdcard/*.json
adb: error: failed to stat remote object '/sdcard/*.json': No such file or directory
doesn't seem to work.
I am able to do this from MacOS and Linux - by passing the wildcard just like in the command above. Windows 11 however?
Partial answer.
ADB does not interpret the '*' the way you think it does.
.\adb.exe pull /sdcard/.
I do not know of a way to copy just .json files.