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how to import multiple version of aws_secretsmanager_secret_version into terraform state?

I have CI CD pipeline where I was trying to import 2 versions into aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.example resource as shown below,

import {
  to = aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.example
  id = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:example-123456|xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx"

import {
  to = aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.example
  id = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:example-123456|yyyyy-yyyyyyy-yyyyyyy-yyyyy"


│ Error: Duplicate import configuration for "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.example" │ │ on line 6: │ 6: import { │ │ An import block for the resource │ "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.example" │ was already declared at,1-7. A resource can have only one import │ block.


  • Two versions can be imported into two different resource. For example, the first one can be called version_x and the second one version_y:

    import {
      to = aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.version_x
      id = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:example-123456|xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx"
    import {
      to = aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.version_y
      id = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:example-123456|yyyyy-yyyyyyy-yyyyyyy-yyyyy"

    Import block also allows using for_each, so you could try with that as well instead of having two resource blocks. An example:

    locals {
      secret_versions = {
        "version_x" = "xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx"
        "version_y" = "yyyyy-yyyyyyy-yyyyyyy-yyyyy"
    import {
      for_each = local.secret_versions
      to       = aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.example[each.key]
      id       = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:example-123456|${each.value}"
    resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "example" {
      for_each = local.secret_versions

    It should work with terraform versions >=1.7.x.