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Verify the queries executed by spring jpa repository

We've got a spring repository, and due to a change of behaviour, our lazy loading stopped working. We noticed that multiple queries were being executed to load the related objects.

We've fixed the issue, but I'd like to write a test to tell us what queries we're running, or at least check we're not querying specific tables.

I've had a look around, and I can't find any examples. I thought the TestEntityManager might help, but there's no validation methods on that class.

Has anyone got any pointers, or written a test which validates similar behaviour?


  • I found a pretty elegant solution to this using hibernate statistics:

    //Enable hibernate statistics
    @DataJpaTest(properties = "")
    public class MyRepositoryIT {
        private MyRepository repository;
        private EntityManager entityManager;
        void shouldNotQueryLazilyRelatedEntities() {
            //Query repository and check result is not null
            MyEntity response = repository.findById(1L);
            //Load statistics from entity manager session
            Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
            Statistics statistics = session.getSessionFactory().getStatistics();
            //Assert that only the expected entity is loaded, and not the lazy relationships.