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Performance problem with pixel-by-pixel image processing (Pillow)

I use this approach to convert an ordinary picture into ascii art. But processing even small images on not strong processors just kills them. Is it possible to optimize this? I tried to make something with numpy but I didn't get anywhere. Any help on optimization would be appreciated, thanks. Here is my failed attempt(

Algorithm taken from here:

My code:

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import math

def make_magic_old(photo, chars="01", char_size=15, char_width=10, char_height=18, scale=0.09):
    # Rounding scale
    scaleFactor = round(scale, 3)
    # Calculate the length of the character list
    charLength = len(list(chars))
    # Calculate the interval for converting a pixel value into a character
    interval = charLength / 256
    # Convert the image to RGB
    photo = photo.convert("RGB")
    # Load font
    fnt = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/FiraCode-Bold.ttf", char_size)
    # Get size of the image
    width, height = photo.size
    # Scaling the image
    photo = photo.resize((int(scaleFactor * width), int(scaleFactor * height * (char_width / char_height))), Image.Resampling.NEAREST)
    # Getting the sizes in a new way after scaling
    width, height = photo.size
    # Load pixels
    pix = photo.load()
    # Create a new image to display the result
    outputImage ="RGB", (char_width * width, char_height * height), color="black")
    # Create a drawing tool
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(outputImage)
    # Replace pixes to text
    for i in range(height):
        for j in range(width):
            r, g, b = pix[j, i]
            # Calculate the average color value
            h = int(r / 3 + g / 3 + b / 3)
            # Convert pixel colors
            pix[j, i] = (h, h, h)
            # Display a symbol instead of a pixel
            draw.text((j * char_width, i * char_height), chars[math.floor(h * interval)], font=fnt, fill=(r, g, b))

    return outputImage

def main():
    photo ="test.png")
    result_photo = make_magic(photo)"result.jpg")
if __name__ == "__main__":

Attempt to optimize with numpy:

import numpy as np

def make_magic(photo, chars="01", char_size=15, char_width=10, char_height=18, scale=0.09):
    # Rounding scale
    scaleFactor = round(scale, 3)
    # Calculate the length of the character list
    charLength = len(chars)
    # Convert the image to RGB and then to numpy array
    photo = np.array(photo.convert("RGB"))
    # Load font
    fnt = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/FiraCode-Bold.ttf", char_size)
    # Get size of the image
    height, width, _ = photo.shape
    # Scaling the image
    photo = np.array(Image.fromarray(photo).resize((int(scaleFactor * width), int(scaleFactor * height * (char_width / char_height))), Image.NEAREST))
    # Getting the sizes in a new way after scaling
    height, width, _ = photo.shape
    # Convert the image to grayscale
    grayscale_photo = np.mean(photo, axis=2).astype(np.uint8)
    # Calculate indices for character selection
    indices = (grayscale_photo * (charLength / 256)).astype(int)
    # Create a new image to display the result
    outputImage ="RGB", (char_width * width, char_height * height), color="black")
    # Create a drawing tool
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(outputImage)
    # Create character array
    char_array = np.array(list(chars))
    # Replace pixels with text
    for i in range(height):
        for j in range(width):
            draw.text((j * char_width, i * char_height), char_array[indices[i, j]], font=fnt, fill=tuple(photo[i, j]))
    return outputImage

Img before: Img before

Img after: Img after


  • The original algorithm really isn't that bad, so alot of speedup is going to be pretty challenging. For very small image outputs, the solution presented here is about 2x slower, and for very large outputs, this solution is about 30x faster.

    Testing on my machine even with an SSD, and were very impactful on the runtime, especially on the smaller files. That is unavoidable, so I focused on the image creation component.

    The basic concept of this solution is to pre-generate all of the letters, then tile them into overall image taking advantage of numpy and numba 's amazing synergy for basic matrix operations like that.

    The font step is not particularly amenable to being numba compiled, so that is left in python-land. If you needed to process many files, you could call the sub function in a loop, and spare the repeated font step.

    Here is the solution I came up with, with a little extra testing boilerplate code:

    import time
    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
    import math
    import numba
    import numpy as np
    def make_magic_old(photo, chars="01", char_size=15, char_width=10, char_height=18, scale=0.09):
        # Rounding scale
        scaleFactor = round(scale, 3)
        # Calculate the length of the character list
        charLength = len(list(chars))
        # Calculate the interval for converting a pixel value into a character
        interval = charLength / 256
        # Convert the image to RGB
        photo = photo.convert("RGB")
        # Load font
        fnt = ImageFont.truetype("font.ttf", char_size)
        # Get size of the image
        width, height = photo.size
        # Scaling the image
        photo = photo.resize((int(scaleFactor * width), int(scaleFactor * height * (char_width / char_height))),
        # Getting the sizes in a new way after scaling
        width, height = photo.size
        # Load pixels
        pix = photo.load()
        # Create a new image to display the result
        outputImage ="RGB", (char_width * width, char_height * height), color="black")
        # Create a drawing tool
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(outputImage)
        # Replace pixes to text
        for i in range(height):
            for j in range(width):
                r, g, b = pix[j, i]
                # Calculate the average color value
                h = int(r / 3 + g / 3 + b / 3)
                # Convert pixel colors
                pix[j, i] = (h, h, h)
                # Display a symbol instead of a pixel
                draw.text((j * char_width, i * char_height), chars[math.floor(h * interval)], font=fnt, fill=(r, g, b))
        return outputImage
    def make_magic(photo, chars="01", char_size=15, char_width=10, char_height=18, scale=0.09):
        # Convert the image to RGB
        photo = photo.convert("RGB")
        # Load font
        fnt = ImageFont.truetype("font.ttf", char_size)
        # Make character masks to tile into output image
        char_masks = np.empty((len(chars), char_height, char_width, 3), np.ubyte)
        for i, char in enumerate(chars):
            tim ='RGB', (char_width, char_height), color='black')
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(tim)
            draw.text((0, 0), char, font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255))
            char_masks[i, :] = np.array(tim)
        # Call the numpy + numba optimized function
        new_img_array = _make_magic_sub(np.array(photo), char_masks, char_width, char_height, scale)
        return Image.fromarray(new_img_array, 'RGB')
    @numba.njit(cache=True, parallel=True)
    def _make_magic_sub(photo, char_masks, char_width, char_height, scale):
        interval = 1 / char_masks.shape[0]
        new_size = (int(photo.shape[0] * scale * char_width / char_height), int(photo.shape[1] * scale), 3)
        outimage = np.empty((new_size[0] * char_height, new_size[1] * char_width, 3), np.ubyte)
        for i in numba.prange(new_size[0]):
            for j in range(new_size[1]):
                rgb = photo[int(i / new_size[0] * photo.shape[0]), int(j / new_size[1] * photo.shape[1])] / 255
                char_num = int(np.floor(np.sum(rgb) / 3 / interval))
                outimage[i * char_height: (i + 1) * char_height, j * char_width: (j + 1) * char_width, :] = char_masks[char_num] * rgb
        return outimage
    def _gt(s=0.0):
        return time.perf_counter() - s
    def main():
        photo ="test.png")
        N = 10
        for scale in [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0]:
            for fun in [make_magic_old, make_magic]:
                fun(photo)  # To skip any caching / compilation times
                s = _gt()
                for i in range(N):
                    result_photo = fun(photo, scale=scale)
                e = _gt(s)
                print(f'{fun.__name__:16}{scale:4.2f}  : {e / N * 1000:7.1f} ms')
        res_old = make_magic_old(photo, scale=0.2)
        res_new = make_magic(photo, scale=0.2)'result_old.png')'result_new.png')
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Which gives the following results:

    make_magic_old  0.01  :     2.2 ms
    make_magic      0.01  :     4.7 ms
    make_magic_old  0.05  :    18.6 ms
    make_magic      0.05  :     5.1 ms
    make_magic_old  0.10  :    65.9 ms
    make_magic      0.10  :     6.9 ms
    make_magic_old  0.20  :   256.1 ms
    make_magic      0.20  :    13.1 ms
    make_magic_old  0.50  :  1601.3 ms
    make_magic      0.50  :    58.7 ms
    make_magic_old  1.00  :  6379.3 ms
    make_magic      1.00  :   194.2 ms

    Tested on Windows 10, i9-10900K, Python 3.11.4

    Your results may vary significantly, I'm running on a far from "not strong processor", but I think this will help you on most multithreaded processors, and you can see that we got about a 32x speed up on the largest output image.

    Output from the new code: new output

    And output from the old code for comparison: old output

    Let me know if you have any questions.