I would like to create a set of N pthreads under control of the original process. I'd like to control them as in this pseudocode:
While(1) {
main task modifies a global variable "phase" to control the type of work
trigger the N threads to wake up and do work based on the global "phase" variable
wait until all threads have completed their tasks
main task does meta-calculation on the partial results of all the workers
I've tried pthread_barrier_wait(). It works well to trigger a compute cycle, but it doesn't give me a way to know when every task has completed. How do I know when all the threads are done so that I can safely do my meta-calculation on the result? I don't want to use pthread_join, because these work cycles will be in a tight loop and I don't want the overhead of killing and recreating the tasks on each cycle.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h> // for sleep()
#define NTHREADS 4
pthread_barrier_t b;
typedef struct threadargs {
int id; // thread ID 0-\>N
int phase; // either 0 or non zero to set blk/red phase
int phase=0;
int cycle=0;
// worker function
// gets called with a pointer to THREADARGS structure
// which tells worker their id, starting, ending column to relax, and the red/black phase
void *thread_func(void *x)
int tid; // thread id
int *retval = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); // so it persists across thread death
tid = ((THREADARGS *) x)->id;
while(1) { // wait to be triggered
printf("%d: %d %d\n", cycle, tid, phase);
*retval = 2*tid;
pthread_exit((void *)retval);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t threadids[NTHREADS]; // store os thread ids
THREADARGS thread_args[NTHREADS]; // arguments to thread
int rc, i;
// initialize the multiprocess barrier
pthread_barrier_init(&b, NULL, NTHREADS+1);
/* spawn the threads */
for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; ++i) {
thread_args[i].id = i;
printf("spawning thread %d\n", i);
if((rc=pthread_create(&threadids[i], NULL, thread_func, (void *) &thread_args[i]))!=0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot create thread %d\n",i);
for (i=0; i<10; i++) { // do ten iterations
printf("cycle %d\n", i);
pthread_barrier_wait(&b); // trigger all the workers and wait for all to complete
exit(2); // just kill everything
This example produces output like:
!) pthread
spawning thread 0
spawning thread 1
spawning thread 2
spawning thread 3
0: 0 0
0: 1 0
cycle 0
1: 2 1
1: 3 1
1: 3 1
1: 1 1
1: 2 1
1: 0 1
cycle 1
cycle 2
3: 1 0
3: 3 0
3: 2 0
3: 0 0
3: 0 0
3: 2 0
3: 3 0
cycle 3
3: 1 0
4: 1 1
4: 2 1
4: 0 1
4: 3 1
You can see that some workers are running multiple times per cycle and that the "phase" variable doesn't count properly from cycle to cycle. What I want is something like:
cycle 1
1: 0 0
1: 1 0
1: 2 0
1: 3 0
cycle 2
2: 0 1
2: 1 1
2: 2 1
2: 2 1
cycle 3
3: 0 2
Of course the print statements from each task will be scrambled but I want to trigger all 4 pthreads to perform a task "0,1,2" and for them all to finish so that I can work with their results and safely change global variables for the next cycle.
From pthread_barrier_wait
The calling thread shall block until the required number of threads have called
specifying the barrier.When the required number of threads have called
specifying the barrier, the constantPTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD
shall be returned to one unspecified thread and zero shall be returned to each of the remaining threads.RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, the
for a single (arbitrary) thread synchronized at the barrier and zero for each of the other threads. Otherwise, an error number shall be returned to indicate the error.
int res = pthread_barrier_wait(barrier);
//only one single (arbitrary) thread will reach this point
//and only if all other threads have reached the barrier
} else {
//all others will see this part
With two barriers, you can do the following:
int done = 0;
void* thread_func(void *arg) {
while (!done) {
//wait until all threads have signal to go
//all green, lets do the work ...
//as last operation, store the result in a dedicated global variable
//as long as only this thread will access it, no need to
//protect it with a mutex
//after work is done, wait until all the others are done too
int main()
//all the init stuff (inclusive thread creation)
do {
//do preparations before the threads starts doing their work
//set global vars etc.
//e.g. done = 1;
//all threads are waiting for the last thread to get going
//give green signal
//while the threads doing their job
//at this point, each task has done its job
//and it is guaranteed, that all data will no longer
//accessed by any thread, therefore no protection needed
//do the main calculation
} while (!done);