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Google Sheet different cell ranges protection and access levels (all, specific, email-based)

Have this Google Sheet: enter image description here

SourceSheet (sample data) is available: SourceSheet

Trying to implement protection rules:

  • The ranges B2:B10 and B13:B21 can be edited by everyone.
  • Ranges D2:D10 and F2:F10 can only be edited by users specified by email account.
  • All the other remaining cells are protected and nobody can edit them.

function setEditPermissions() {
  var sheetUrl = '';
  var sheetName = 'Sheet1';

  protectAllCells(sheetUrl, sheetName )
  setEditable(sheetUrl, sheetName)
  setEmailAccess(sheetUrl, sheetName) 

function protectAllCells(sheetUrl, sheetName ) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sheetUrl);
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);

  // Защищаем все ячейки на листе
  var protection = sheet.protect().setDescription('Защита всего листа');

  // Устанавливаем права доступа на редактирование
  var me = Session.getEffectiveUser();

function setEditable(sheetUrl, sheetName) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sheetUrl);
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);

  var editableRanges = ['B2:B10', 'B13:B21'];

 editableRanges.forEach(function(rangeStr) {
    var range = sheet.getRange(rangeStr);
    var protection = range.protect().setDescription('Защита диапазона ' + rangeStr);

function setEmailAccess(sheetUrl, sheetName) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sheetUrl);
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);

  // Диапазоны, которые нужно защитить
  var rangesToProtect = ['D2:D10', 'F2:F10'];

  // Пользователи, которым разрешено редактировать диапазоны
  var allowedUsers = [''];

  rangesToProtect.forEach(function(rangeStr) {
    var range = sheet.getRange(rangeStr);
    var protection = range.protect().setDescription('Защита диапазона ' + rangeStr);
    // Удаляем все предыдущие редакторы
    // Запрещаем редактирование всем, кроме указанных пользователей
    // Разрешаем только указанным пользователям редактировать

First step (protecting the sheet worked by function protectAllCells). The next 2 steps (functions: setEditable, setEmailAccess) did not worked. But logic seems to be correct.

Is it possible to implement it using Google Apps Script and Google Sheets by codes?


  • I believe your goal is as follows.

    • You want to make all users edit the cells ['B2:B10', 'B13:B21'].
    • You want to make the specific users edit the cells ['D2:D10', 'F2:F10'].

    To achieve this goal, I prepared the following flow. To test my script, please do the following flow.

    1. Prepare a Google Spreadsheet.
    2. Share the Spreadsheet with "user A" and "user B". I am the owner of Spreadsheet.
    3. Prepare a sample script.
      • Please set variables for your situation.
    4. Run a sample script.
      • var editableRanges = ['B2:B10', 'B13:B21'] can be edited by "user A", "user B" and me.
      • var rangesToProtect = ['D2:D10', 'F2:F10'] can be edited by "user A" and me.
      • Cells except for var editableRanges = ['B2:B10', 'B13:B21'] and var rangesToProtect = ['D2:D10', 'F2:F10'] can be edited by only me.

    The sample script is as follows.

    Sample script:

    Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Spreadsheet. And, please set your variables.

    In this script, the email address of "user A" is var allowedUsers = ['###']; .

    function myFunction() {
      // Please set variables for your situation.
      var sheetUrl = '{spreadsheetId}/edit'; // Please set your Spreadsheet ID.
      var sheetName = 'Sheet1';
      var editableRanges = ['B2:B10', 'B13:B21'];
      var rangesToProtect = ['D2:D10', 'F2:F10'];
      var allowedUsers = ['###']; // Please set email address you want to permit to edit the cells "rangesToProtect".
      // Remove all protections.
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sheetUrl).getSheetByName(sheetName);
      [...sheet.getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.SHEET), ...sheet.getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.RANGE)].forEach(p => p.remove());
      // Protect a sheet and set unprotect ranges.
      var editableRangesObj = sheet.getRangeList(editableRanges).getRanges();
      var rangesToProtectObj = sheet.getRangeList(rangesToProtect).getRanges();
      var p1 = sheet.protect().setDescription('Защита всего листа');
      p1.setUnprotectedRanges([...editableRangesObj, ...rangesToProtectObj]).setDescription('Защита диапазона ' + editableRanges.join(","));
      // Protect ranges with emails.
      rangesToProtectObj.forEach(r => {
        var p2 = r.protect().setDescription('Защита диапазона ' + r.getA1Notation());
    • I thought that the important point might be as follows. When the sheet is protected, the ranges ['B2:B10', 'B13:B21'] and ['D2:D10', 'F2:F10'] are set as the unprotected ranges. After this, the ranges ['D2:D10', 'F2:F10'] is protected with the email.


    When this script is run, the following result is obtained.

    • The cells ['B2:B10', 'B13:B21'] can be edited by "user A", "user B" and the owner of Spreadsheet.
    • The cells ['D2:D10', 'F2:F10'] can be edited by "user A" and the owner of the Spreadsheet.
    • Cells except for ['B2:B10', 'B13:B21'] and ['D2:D10', 'F2:F10'] can be edited by only the owner of the Spreadsheet.