I would like to modify the colors across which my palette operate, to expand the yellow region so that extreme values in my figure stand out more dramatically. I can't figure out how to change this, but have an example below.
Loading required libraries:
Creating an example dataframe that I will then convert to a raster:
df <- data.frame( x = rep( 0:1, each = 2 ),
y = rep( 0:1, 2),
l = rnorm( 4 ))
df_raster <- rasterFromXYZ(df) %>% terra::rast()
And below, I try to use breaks = to break the color palette into different categories. Unfortunately, it seems to do nothing. I want to expand the yellow region in the middle of the bl_yl_rd, and would be happy to designate certain numbers to indicate where along the values of my raster it should transition colors. Is there a way to do this, or a different function other than scale_fill_whitebox that will do a better job of this?
ggplot() + geom_spatraster(data = df_raster) +
scale_fill_whitebox_c(palette = "bl_yl_rd", breaks = 2)
Use the breaks
as a vector like:
df <- data.frame( x = rep( 0:1, each = 2 ),
y = rep( 0:1, 2),
l = rnorm( 4 ))
df_raster <- terra::rast(df)
ggplot2::ggplot() +
tidyterra::geom_spatraster(data = df_raster) +
tidyterra::scale_fill_whitebox_b(palette = "bl_yl_rd", breaks = c(0,1))
Created on 2024-02-29 with reprex v2.1.0