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data restored from mongodb dumb throwing bson error on _id field

Downloaded MongoDB dump from

I am using the below command to take the data to my DB

mongo-restore -h localhost:27017 -d db-name /off/dump/products/

products folder has these two files: products.bson and products.metadata.json

After restoring the value of _id is not coming as a type of Mongodb Objectid. it's a string eg: _id: "0000000000"

I want the _id to be mongodb ObjectId


  • You could use aggregation to convert the strings to ObjectId and write the results to a new collection.

    Note that this will only work if all of the existing _id values contain only 0-9 and a-f.

    The example you show is not a valid ObjectId, this pipeline will

    • concatenate a string of 24 zeros with the existing _id
    • take the last 24 characters of the result
    • convert that 24-character string to an ObjectId
    • output the resulting documents to a new collection named "newproducts"
      {$project: { 
         _id: {$toObjectId: 
             {$substr: [
                 { $concat: ["000000000000000000000000","$_id"] },
              ] } 