Search code examples

SAS (PROC SQL) Merge/Join to dates prior and only keeping the nearest entry

Suppose I have the following two datasets in SAS:

Have_1 - contains monthly data per ID:

ID   Month 
1     1
1     2
1     3
1     4
1     5
1     6
1     7
1     8
1     9
1     10

Have_2 - A list of months where a certain event occurs:

ID   Month_Event 
1     4
1     9

I am trying to merge the Month_Event from Have_2 onto Have_1 in a way where the Month_Event will be populated for all entries of ID where Month is less than or equal to Month_Event, i.e.


ID   Month   Month_Event
1     1      4
1     2      4
1     3      4
1     4      4
1     5      9
1     6      9
1     7      9
1     8      9
1     9      9
1     10     .

I've tried the following:

proc sql;
create table want as
select a.*, b.Month_Event
from have_1 as a
left join have_2 as b
on a.ID = b.ID and a.Month <= b.Month_Event;

This almost gives the required output, with the only issue that the output does not only provide the Month_Event for the nearest, instead this provides:

ID   Month   Month_Event
1     1      4
1     1      9
1     2      4
1     2      9
1     3      4
1     3      9
1     4      4
1     4      9
1     5      9
1     6      9
1     7      9
1     8      9
1     9      9
1     10     .

How can I adjust my code accordingly to give the required output?


  • Take the minimum.

    First let's convert your listings into actual SAS datasets.

    data have;
      input ID   Month ;
    1 1
    1 2
    1 3
    1 4
    1 5
    1 6
    1 7
    1 8
    1 9
    1 10
    data have2;
      input ID   Month_Event ;
    1 4
    1 9

    Now join the two and take the minimum month_event that qualifies

    proc sql;
    create table want as
      select,a.month,min(b.month_event) as month_event
      from have a left join have2 b
        on = 
          and a.month <= b.month_event
      group by, a.month


    Obs    ID    Month     event
      1     1       1        4
      2     1       2        4
      3     1       3        4
      4     1       4        4
      5     1       5        9
      6     1       6        9
      7     1       7        9
      8     1       8        9
      9     1       9        9
     10     1      10        .