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Suppress remix `ErrorResponseImpl` errors

I am running remix from an express server with nodejs

When a route is not found, I see in the console:

ErrorResponseImpl {
  status: 404,
  statusText: 'Not Found',
  internal: true,
  data: 'Error: No route matches URL "/favicon.ico"',
  error: Error: No route matches URL "/favicon.ico"
      at getInternalRouterError (/Users/dangoodman/code/node-express-remix-template/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:4487:5)
      at Object.query (/Users/dangoodman/code/node-express-remix-template/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:2933:19)
      at handleDocumentRequestRR (/Users/dangoodman/code/node-express-remix-template/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/dist/server.js:180:35)
      at requestHandler (/Users/dangoodman/code/node-express-remix-template/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/dist/server.js:105:24)
      at /Users/dangoodman/code/node-express-remix-template/node_modules/@remix-run/express/dist/server.js:41:28

I have the following code in my entry.server.tsx which catches certain logs, but this is not something I am logging.

export function handleError(
  error: any,
  { request, params, context }: LoaderFunctionArgs | ActionFunctionArgs
) {
  if (!request.signal.aborted && !"No route matches URL")) {
        err: extractError(error),
      "unhandled remix error"

and call remix from express like

app.all("*", createRequestHandler({ build: build as any }))

Previously, setting NODE_ENV=production stopped this output, but it seems that either something else stopped it previously or it has come back.

How can I stop these logs?


  • Adding a ErrorBoundary in root.tsx stopped the error.

    NODE_ENV=production stopped the No routes... log line