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BeagleBone Black Boot Issue

I am facing difficulties in booting the BeagleBone Black with the core-image-sato build using Yocto Project version 4.0.16 (kirkstone) on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Here are the steps I've taken:

Step 1: Flashed the Linux image to SD card Successfully flashed the Linux image to the SD card with both boot and root partitions.

Step 2: Hardware setup Connected the BeagleBone serial TX pin to the RX of RS232 to USB cable (CA-US9), along with the ground pins. Power supplied using the USB mini cable connected to my PC's USB port.

Step 3: Using picocom for serial communication Ran the following command to establish serial communication:

sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

Port: /dev/ttyUSB0
Flow control: none
Baudrate: 115200
Parity: none
Databits: 8
Stopbits: 1
Escape: C-a
Local echo: no
Other settings as mentioned in the provided 


How to solve this? Please help.


  • I believe you can't use CA-US9 with Beaglebone Black, the Beaglebone Black's Serial port is 3v3, so you must use a USB-Serial TTL converter how-to-connect-the-beaglebone-black-via-serial-over -usb