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Azure Web App auth_settings_v2 not supported

I am creating a new azure web app with terraform and want to enable authorization for the app. It works and can create an app using the old v1 api but I want to use the v2 auth.

This is my basic terraform code:

resource "azurerm_linux_web_app" "webapp" {
  name                  = var.app_service_name
  location              = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
  resource_group_name   =
  service_plan_id       =
  https_only            = true
  # Error ! auth v2
  auth_settings_v2 {
    auth_enabled = true
  # This works
  # auth_settings {
  #   enabled = false
  # }
  site_config { }

According to terraforms documentation auth_v2 is supported as im using version 3.9 of the azure provider but I cannot seem to get auth_settings_v2 to work. I get error Error: Unsupported block type

Has anyone managed to deploy a auth_settings_v2 for a web app through terraform?


  • auth_settings_v2 of web app is not supported in previous versions of terraform. You need to have terraform provider 3.93 in your environment.

    Note: Upgrade it using terraform init -upgrade.

    After checking and upgrading it, I tried below terraform code and was able to deploy it successfully as shown below.

    provider "azurerm" {
      features {}
    resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example" {
      name     = "jahnavi-resources"
      location = "West Europe"
    resource "azurerm_service_plan" "example" {
      name                = "jahexample"
      resource_group_name =
      location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
      os_type             = "Linux"
      sku_name            = "P1v2"
    resource "azurerm_linux_web_app" "example" {
      name                = "jahapp"
      resource_group_name =
      location            = azurerm_service_plan.example.location
      service_plan_id     =
      https_only            = true
    auth_settings_v2 {
        auth_enabled             = true
        default_provider         = "aad"
        require_authentication   = true
        require_https            = true
        unauthenticated_action   = "RedirectToLoginPage"
        active_directory_v2 {
          client_id                   = "xxxx"
          tenant_auth_endpoint        = "<tenant_ID>"
          client_secret_setting_name  = "xxxx"
      site_config {}


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Refer Github issue for the relevant information.